Thanks to @susanjoryinteriors and @taniafloral, today I visited the peonies in *their* beds.
“It’s a lot of pressure,” Susan said about running a peony pop up. “You don’t know when your girls are going to pop.” But that applies to the ones she intends to cut for customers. The one’s still planted are under no such pressure. They’ve been here for ages, since The property was an official nursery, then it was just a house with no formal floral tending for a few generations. when susan bought it - the peonies still popped.
@meeshleona took photos of me while I took photos of myself sprawled alongside my fellow flowers. “It’s like the trick to fashon is to look as dead and as alive as possible at the same time,” I looked a bit mannequin. A bit sunshine made flesh. The peonies went “duh” as they are all about vibrantly dying, having done this many times in *my* bed.
Susan brought us wine, cheese, we laughed in the garden, we talked about bees, i felt as full of buzz as a bumble. Then Susan and Tania cut a wild pile of tufts for me to bring home.
It’s hard to tell in these photos which one is me, I know —because of my petal body. In case you’re struggling, I’m the one with the face.